If you are building your own widget you might want to display a progress bar that displays the current recording or playback position.
The easiest way to do this is via the SoundPlayerUI/SoundRecordingUI widgets but if you want to write your own then you will want to use the dispositionStream with a StreamBuilder.
To use a dispositionStream you need to create an SoundPlayer or SoundRecorder instance.
class MyWidgetState
/// use .noUI() as you are going to build your own UI.
var player = SoundPlayer().noUI();
void initState()
void dispose()
Widget build() {
return Row(children:
[Button('Play' onTap: onPlay)
, StreamBuilder<PlaybackDisposition>(
stream: player.dispositionStream,
initialData: PlaybackDisposition.zero(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
var disposition = snapshot.data;
return Slider(
max: disposition.duration.inMilliseconds.toDouble(),
value: disposition.position.inMilliseconds.toDouble(),
onChanged: (value) =>
player._seek(Duration(milliseconds: value.toInt())),
/// you would wire this to a button
void onPlay()
/// you would wire this to a pause button
void onPause()
/// you would wire this to a button
void onResume()